Playing a match point game, we bid our way like champions to 3D by south (me).
I received a H lead, E put on the king, and when I drew a round of trumps and all followed, I put my hand down. Obviously I can't remember the exact words I used, but as best as I can reconstruct them, I said something like
'I'll draw trumps, ruff a H which gives me 12 tricks and concede the A♠ at the end.' (but probably less concise and with more stuttering, since it has to be said I suck at claiming)
At this point, W became angry, and said that I'd given an insufficient line, and shouldn't have claimed. I rose to the bait, and said that unless she thought I was planning to either duck a heart then ruff my winner, or contrive to draw trumps and then lock myself in the wrong hand, there wasn't any ambiguity. She pressed the point aggressively, I pressed back, and eventually said something like 'I'll let it go this time, but you shouldn't claim if you're not ready to'. We left it there.
I have two questions:
1) Am I nuts, or are her comments ludicrous? I realise I didn't give an algorithm that a computer program would follow, and every once in a while the strictness of bridge law surprises me - but I still find it hard to believe any director would fault my claim here.
2) This is not the first time, and probably won't be the last that I've found (usually incompetent) players aggressively pushing nonsense bridge rules at the table, and it sometimes seems to me more like an attempt at bullying than anything else.* When I feel a player is bent on pushing a point of law highly aggressively at either me or my partner (or even theirs, on occasion), do I have any legal recourse on the spot, to oblige them to tone it down? Ie something better than quietly reporting it later which, realistically I'll never do, partly from a sense of distaste, partly from a lack of a sense of what to report.
The problem is of course that she wasn't doing any particular thing I could easily point to as a breach of conduct, other than being (I think) factually wrong. But I would very much have liked to say something like 'I insist we call the director at this stage, and that you apologise for being so vociferous if he rules against you' with a genuine threat of being able to get their behaviour noted while they're still in full flow, or something like that.