awm, on 2017-August-08, 10:04, said:
1. This does not matter, because Clinton didn't win.
2. This is a matter of party operatives helping a long time party loyalist over an "independent." There is no possibility of collision with a foreign power, no indication that data was stolen nor that votes or registrations were changed. So the bias here is nowhere near the same level of severity as what may have happened with Trump.
3. Clinton won the primary by a lot. So even some irregularities would not impact the result.
4. I'm all for the DNC cleaning up their act. Some investigation and reform is merited!
5... but this whole thing is like a bridge player arguing that "you failed to alert, so who cares that I had my Russian buddy hack the computers to get me the hand records in advance? It is false equivalency to the extreme.
The graft or corruption with the debate questions is not dependent on the outcome of the election. If her campaign received the assistance without whistleblowing, then the Clinton campaign is a witting or unwitting accomplice regardless of if she won or lost. The campaign cannot receive and accept the assistance and then act like it wasn't a beneficiary of such coaching and unfair practices. Has the Clinton campaign even apologized to Bernie Sanders for this lapse of character and judgment? It is a character issue, plain and simple. It is demonstrative of a "winning by any means necessary" mentality. My review shows the Clinton campaign issued no apology. No surprise as people who game systems typically don't make apologies for their behavior especially when it is implicitly sanctioned by a National Committee at the time.
We don't know how Clinton would have performed during the debates had she not been given a heads up on those questions. THAT'S the point. We don't know how a "live" performance of her at the debates would have swayed public sentiment. The DNC corrupted voter's ability to see her as she really is and funneled questions to her campaign to help windrow dress how THEY wanted her constituents to perceive her.
In addition, with the DNC server, we have received absolutely no verifiable proof about who hacked the DNC server since it was never claimed to be a national security matter when it was hacked. We have military intelligence, but they haven't supplied any hard core data but plenty of innuendo and mudslinging. Our government failed to secure the alleged crime scene and evidence, downplayed the incident's impact on the federal election when it occurred, and then subsequently hyped it up with a McCarthyism fevered-pitch after Trump won the election.
You don't find that a bit odd?
Edit: changed 'benefactor' to 'beneficiary'