billw55, on 2015-August-31, 15:00, said:
And why do people keep talking about trials? This isn't a criminal case. This is a decision of a private organization, whether or not to sanction two of its members, or allow them to participate in its events. Said organizations can use whatever internal administrative process they have for that, and I very much doubt that ever involves a trial.
Or are people thinking that FS will sue BB for libel and/or slander? At this point it doesn't look like that would work out very well for them.
I was a member of our ACBL District Judicial committee for years, tho fortunately never had to sit on a case. I was counsel on such a case 25 years ago, and even at the District level the accused was entitled to counsel. I cannot imagine a US based organization, with the ability to impact earnings powers, not affording what the Americans like to refer to as 'due process' and what we in the Commonwealth (referring I think to related but slightly different concepts) call the principles of natural justice.
If these guys are up on charges, especially if not arising from measures taken by a TD at a tournament, my understanding, based on perhaps out of date experience, is that they will be entitled to a formal hearing. Of course, if they are confronted with overwhelming evidence, they may instead try to negotiate a deal or just skulk away. We can hope.
edit: re the libel issue. Different countries have different rules, some very different. Here in Canada, on the evidence so far presented I'd rather be acting for FS than for Brogeland, BW, or any of the others who have gone public. Not that there would be any jurisdiction here. And no, this isn't an offer to act for them

I hope, and frankly expect, that the more evidence that comes to light, or that would be found in the context of a lawsuit, the more that would change (in terms of who would be likely to win). Here, the damages could be massive...not just compensation for the loss of what I imagine is a very lucrative career, but also even punitive damages for 'malice'. You have to remember that what is acceptable in the public mind as 'proof' isn't at all the same as what is acceptable in a courtroom.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari