Vampyr, on 2016-June-04, 15:19, said:
Impeachment applies to crimes, not incompetence/irresponsibility.
As far as the UK representatives are concerned, they may or may not do what they can (22 out of 73 are UKIP), but they can be easily outnumbered by representatives from countries whose interests don't necessarily align with ours.
ok so to answer my question how does the UK fire these guys or are they an equal member of the government and answer to no one but themselves? I understand they are not the only voters in the EU but posters seem to say that not one UK EU controls or even has influence over the EU?
Again pls keep in mind we here in the USA no nothing or less than nothing when it comes to the EU, who it is, what it is or what power they have.
For example here in the USA the government has the power to:
1) Kill you if you commit a bad crime.
2) put you away for life in a horrible prison getting assaulted and raped every horrible day
3) take away your home and land even if you commit no crime, yes this is true and happens. (eminent domain)
4) force you into the army even if you dont want to go.