Jinksy, on 2016-September-19, 07:26, said:
Is the plan for those voting for N to pass 5♥ that he then pulls an X (presumably to 5♥?) showing extras?
If I were to pass, that would be my plan. I am not so sure I would try it here. For one thing, we are not on the same wavelength on what the 2N showed, and we have no idea of what a double of 5H would mean. I presume that our lack of agreements, and lack of intuitive agreement, has become apparent to us before this hand. This suggests caution with hoping to be understood. But also, I am not really certain that the pass should be forcing. North's 4S really did not show much of anything extra. He is thinking that S has four trump, and with a little shape he might well think 4S is right over 4H but that's it, he is not suggesting the hand is either right for 5S or that 5H should be doubled. Now since the 4S call S has gone on, so maybe that sets up a force. Seems right, but I can't say that I am sure.
Perhaps N can reason as follows: "S bid 4NT. Since I have the AKQ of trump I can see why he might be worried about the trump suit. If he is worried about the trump suit but still wants to go on, he must be well stocked in the minors, So I'll bid 6S".
By no means am I confident of this. It occurs to me, that's it.
I honestly don't know what I would do over 5H. I like to think I would have bid 5H over 4H. We have (N believes) ten trump and N has a heart void. Since we are playing this system where 1S limited [Am I correctly understanding the alert of 1S?] my high card points it would seem that 5H over 4H should describe my hand to a T.