We came across this hand in a team game. I was west and opened 4 clubs. Our partnership agreement implies that to open 4 clubs - we likely have a losing trick count of 5-6, along with a good 8 card suit and a weak hand - preemptive. This hand met all of those requirements.
Partner looks at his hand and senses slam. Bid is 4 NT. I answer 5H (2 with no queen).
Partner bids 6 NT - which we make 7 because there is not a heart lead.
Suppose my hand had been as follows.
Suddenly we have a problem - especially with a heart lead. A heart lead wipes the entry to the board at trick one. The clubs no longer run because we are missing the king. If the diamonds split 4/2 - we are likely in trouble. My question is whether we should be bidding 6 clubs - especially in a team game.
Curious as to what you would bid on this hand in both a team game and a matchpoint game. Should I have opened 4 clubs? It takes up so much room that we seem to not fit in a cue bid or two.
Any help is appreciated.