Posted 2019-February-05, 12:56
Another case of incomplete information. Most defenders, even those competing in national team trials (beyond, say, the knockout stages of the US team trials) don't defend perfectly nor in even tempo. At the table we'd know not merely the sequence of pitches on the pointed suits but also the tempo and we'd likely know something about the skill level of the opps. This makes a difference.
A great defender would know, by trick 10, what was going on and could pitch the heart Queen from Qx Kx. Most defenders could not. Btw, the unblock in clubs, necessary tho it was, pretty much gives away the club situation to the defenders. They are both playing double-dummy at this stage. However, different defenders will take different amounts of time to figure this out, and their earlier pitches may be informative, in tempo if not in alleged systemic meaning (good defenders will simply play up the line on this type of hand since count and true attitude can help only declarer. Players who think they are smart, or who have a low opinion of declarer, will tend to lie in attitude, and only weak defenders would tell the truth).
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari