I was very tempted to bid to 7 on this but thought there were too many weak points and ended up in 6+1. I also was unsure about my 6 level cue bid - is it defined? I was trying to get more information after partner's 6C (Queen response). I get a bit lost in RKCB sometimes after being brought up on standard Blackwood. Unusually on this hand I decided not to bid a 2C game force to try to give more room for exploration
Edit Just fixed an erroneous tooltip on my diagram. Hope everyone understood the bids.Sorry
Please can you explain if there are better ways to bid and how to best evaluate slams in this hand. 7NT was also an option but I thought we were light on points and possibly too many losers without more advanced cue bidding for grand in hearts or NT, although after getting the Ace,King and long clubs opposite I considered it
regards P
PS I almost dont need an answer since my sim gives grand on 96.9% of hands but I would appreciate advice on the bidding please.