OK - here is the other side of the story.
South has passed when the bid came to me. I opened 2C.
My partner bid 2H - so I know him to have 5 hearts and a good suit (2 of top 3 or 3 of top 5), and a minimum of 8 points.
I now mention my spades at the two level. I know someone mentioned bidding them at the 3 level, but I know I get to bid again so I bid them at the 2 level. Curious to know if that is an underbid?
Next, partner says 3 clubs - so I figure he is two suited - but they are my singletons. I really want to know if he has kings and aces in those suits so I can sluff my 2 losing diamonds. A void in diamonds is only useful if he has spades.
I next bid 3 spades.
My partner then made a bid that I think is an underbid - and he said 4 spades. By this point, I feel we should be in slam and I bid 4NT. He responded 5H and I bid 6 spades. I should have bid 5 NT to ask for kings - but instead I chickened out and bid 6 spades. WE made 7 and about 1/2 the field wound up in 7.
Now - if I ask for kings, he would tell me he had the king of clubs. I still don't know about the kind of hearts or if he has a queen in clubs. I know I will have transportation problems in all likelihood. Frankly - we are intermediate players rather than advanced - and we do tend to back away from 7 bids.
I would appreciate any advice as to how this auction should have gone now that you have both sides of the story. Should I open 1 spade instead of 2c? Should I jump in spades?
Thanks in advance?
phoenixmj's bidding problem.
1. 5N = Pick a slam -- Intending to bid grand, anyway.
2. 7N = Hrothgar grand stlam try -- Has a lot to recommend it.
e..g. partner might have ♠ A K J x x x ♥ x x ♦ A K Q J ♣ Q
3. 4♣ = Descriptive of shape but doesn't get over strength.
If partner might have as few as 8.5 playing tricks and lack ♠A, all actions are fraught with danger.