Posted 2020-January-31, 22:08
Given the structure of the weak two, and our own hand with 3♠s, I'm inclined to pass for two reasons:-
1.) There is very little likelihood that the opponents can raise ♠s to make life more difficult for us.
2.) If partner (East) who probably has less ♠s than West can't balance then it's unlikely we have anything on.
No doubt having a 2♠ opening bid with such a loose structure is both an asset and a liability Given that there's over half the pack unaccounted for, personally I even don't think it is wise bidding 3♥ here even over a conventional weak two, let alone Cyberyeti's version.
We don't want to miss a vulnerable game, but that raggedy six card ♥ suit together with the likelihood that the ♥K and ♦KJ are probably liabilities says to me 'no'.
But I also agree with the other commentators so far it is a close decision as not bidding has it's downsides too, but I am sure that the opponents also run into difficulties with their 'unconventional' weak two, too. I'd rather let them guess, than wade in with 3♥ because you feel obliged to. Give me ♠Kxx ♥KQxxxx ♦KJx ♣x and then I think you have to then bid 3♥.
I rarely use the Kaplan and Rubens evaluator but the hand is worth just 12.75 as it stands, and ♠Kxx ♥KQxxxx ♦KJx ♣x is only 13.35 but the extra honour (♥Q) in the long suit gives us a modicum of protection against competing here.
But it's close...
CyberYeti "the 2♠ bid is a weak 2, 0-9 points 4+ spades, if we have 2 or 3 4 card suits other than clubs, we open the top one if lower range, the bottom one if upper). I'm getting really unsure about what you should overcall weak 2s with at the 3 level, and this was another big swing hanging on the decision.
CyberYeti's 2♠ might be a 0 HCP and a 4-card suit!
But I would risk 3♥ too.