Board 4,MP Pair
Sitting EAST one holds
West deals and opens 1♠
What is the most descriptive bid.? 3♦ is by agreement a GF.
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The three level
Posted 2020-July-07, 08:00
Board 4,MP Pair
Sitting EAST one holds
West deals and opens 1♠
What is the most descriptive bid.? 3♦ is by agreement a GF.
Board 4,MP Pair
Sitting EAST one holds
West deals and opens 1♠
What is the most descriptive bid.? 3♦ is by agreement a GF.
Posted 2020-July-07, 08:14
You seem to have created this post twice.
I would bid 3♥, showing a limit raise or better with exactly 3 spades. For some people this would be a mixed raise, and I presume those pairs would bid 2NT instead (which for me would show at least four spades).
I would bid 3♥, showing a limit raise or better with exactly 3 spades. For some people this would be a mixed raise, and I presume those pairs would bid 2NT instead (which for me would show at least four spades).
Posted 2020-July-07, 08:54
If possible show the fit and inv.+ values.
The common approach is the cue.
If you regular open sound, given the hard values forcing to game is
not out of the world either, but I would go with
showing the fit, and let partner decide, if he is willing to march on.
The common approach is the cue.
If you regular open sound, given the hard values forcing to game is
not out of the world either, but I would go with
showing the fit, and let partner decide, if he is willing to march on.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2020-July-07, 14:56
While many pairs use 3H and 2N to differentiate between raises (in one of my partnerships, 2N is usually gf and cuebid limit, while others use the distinction to differentiate between length of support), I would not assume that to be 'normal': I think most players use 2N as natural here, so the cuebid becomes limit or better, 3+ support.
Here, we have short, weak spades and an 11 count with no prospect of our heart Ace and length producing more than 1 trick. Unless playing an unfashionably sound opening style, I bid 3H. It does not pay to stretch to bid thin games at mps, so while this is definitely a maximum hand for the limit raise, it's what I'd do.
Imps, white, probably the same, but imps red I'd still cuebid (rather than bid diamonds) but I'd raise 3S to game.
Here, we have short, weak spades and an 11 count with no prospect of our heart Ace and length producing more than 1 trick. Unless playing an unfashionably sound opening style, I bid 3H. It does not pay to stretch to bid thin games at mps, so while this is definitely a maximum hand for the limit raise, it's what I'd do.
Imps, white, probably the same, but imps red I'd still cuebid (rather than bid diamonds) but I'd raise 3S to game.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2020-July-07, 16:03
No idea,
(1) no idea which thread to respond to?
(2) no idea of your basic system? Your NT range etc.
Playing our system, I bid 2NT, natural invitation.
(1) no idea which thread to respond to?
(2) no idea of your basic system? Your NT range etc.
Playing our system, I bid 2NT, natural invitation.
Posted 2020-July-07, 16:08
DavidKok, on 2020-July-07, 08:14, said:
You seem to have created this post twice.
At least three times, actually.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2020-July-08, 07:47
Merged two of the threads and removed the poll. Sorry Helene. Noted, anything else.
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MsJennifer "What is the most descriptive bid.? 3♦ is by agreement a GF."
Assuming 2/1, I rank
1. 3♥ = UCB Usually 3 card raise, at least invitational.
2. 4♠ = PRE Misdescription.
3. 3♦ = NAT F/G Might help partner to evaluate his hand.
4. 3♠ = NAT Underbid.
5. Double = NEG. Misdescription.