DavidKok, on 2021-May-17, 02:55, said:
Going for the jugular?
This hand hits a seam in my methods, because we have never discussed reverses on shorter suits. So 1♣-1♠; 2♥(*)-3♥; 3♠ would, without any discussion, unfortunately be a spade control for a heart slam (by meta-agreements). I agree that this is a poor treatment and reversing on this hand is a lot better if you can show delayed spade preference. Unfortunately I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I wanted to add 3NT to the list of awkward options.
At the table I have no idea what I'd bid. I open 1♣, and might try either 3NT, 3♦ (splinter) or 4♣ (strong 6+ suit with 4-card spade support) over 1♠. Or maybe smile and rebid 1♣, hoping the director will save me.
If all you meant was that you’d consider bidding 3N while knowing that this was a serious distortion and that partner would expect stoppers in the reds as well as running clubs, then I understand, but don’t agree with, the idea. If, however, you meant to say that 3N was a good way to show this hand, with A109 in spades and an x in diamonds, then I think you’re the only one likely to be hearing the beating of that drum. I think JB (mistakenly) thought that you were suggesting 3N as a conventional way of showing a ‘forcing’ club rebid, without even suggesting side stoppers. I read your current post as suggesting the intentional distortion idea which, as I say, I understand without remotely liking it😝
I suggest that you adopt fake reverses as part of your style. They are very rare. I can’t remember the last time I reversed into short hearts, although I’ve reversed into shortish diamonds more frequently. After all, 1336 or 2236 (with xx in a red suit, hence no 2N, and too strong for 3C) isn’t so rare that it ‘never’ comes up.
Meanwhile, if you play up the line responses to 1C, then the odds strongly favour partner having 5 spades, especially since he’d need to be 4333 or some 44 in the blacks otherwise, and our extreme club length makes those shapes relatively unlikely. In that case, faking a strong spade raise, as you set out, must be far less risky than faking a diamond stopper. However, I still want clubs as trump ( or play notrump from partner’s side) unless partner can actually show a rebiddable spade suit.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari