jillybean, on 2021-June-11, 09:37, said:
South leads a spade and never gets back in. Needless to say my auction was nothing like this but started 1
♦ 1
♥ 4
♣ Gerber
Welcome back Kenberg

Thanks, good to see you again.
Some people hate Gerber, I am not one of them, but perhaps it's a bad convention to play unless there is a little time to go over it. Actually that's true for most conventions.
My preference for Gerber:
4C is Gerber providing:
It is a jump to 4C made directly over a natural 1NT or directly over a natural 2NT.
The NT bid need not be an opening NT bid.
So 1D-1H-1NT-4C is Gerber.
So is 1C-1H-1NT-4C
And 1C-2NT-4C is Gerber.
But 1S-2NT-4C is not Gerber, at least not as long as we assume that 2NT is an artificial spade raise. Whatever 4C is in that auction, it is not Gerber.The 2NT was not natural, so 4C is not Gerber.
I m not at all claiming this is the best agreement, but it is simple.
Even here there should be one more remark. After a natural 1NT the opponents might come in at the 2 level. Then 4C is still Gerber because the 1NT was natural and the 4C was a jump.
If they interfere at the 3 level then 4C is not a jump, so it is not Gerber.
A jump to 4C directly after pard has bid a natural NT is Gerber.
A jump to 4C over a suit bid is never Gerber. As mentioned, in your auction surely most would take it as a splinter. But whatever it is, playing as I suggest it isn't Gerber.
If you play with Meckstroth I am sure he will have a better way. But I doubt he will have a simpler way.
Pard bids a natural NT, you jump to 4C, it's Gerber. Anything else it isn't Gerber.