Posted 2021-June-30, 19:09
I’m probably being naive, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and proceed on the assumption that you’re asking a sincere question, rather than, as I suspect, trying to criticize my posts. Some of them undoubtedly do deserve criticism but I think you’re way off base here.
I gather, from your posts on this site, that you think you’re a good player. If you are, then I suggest you re-read my posts and the inconsistency will disappear.
Good players plan their auctions as best they can
With KQxx xx AKJxxx x (note that I inadvertently gave us 14 cards….change it to 4=2=6=1/4=1=6=2/4=2=5=2), and a 2C overcall of partner’s 1H, we have three features to show, not counting the heart tolerance which may become important
We want to show values, diamonds and spades. We have zero interest in trying to get to notrump from our side.
A double gets in spades. We can later show strength, although how we do that may be problematic, depending on how the auction proceeds. What we almost surely can’t do, after doubling, is show 4 spades and longer diamonds and game force values.
On the other hand, if we bid 2D, we’ve shown the diamonds and at least much of our strength, and (very importantly) we can expect to be able to show spades, and confirm game going values) at our next turn. And if we belong in 3N by partner, we can usually do this at the 2 or 3 level.
So bidding 2D is clearly superior to doubling.
In contrast, on the hand in this thread, we have 4 things to show, again not worrying much about hearts for now.
We want to suggest spades, to find a 4-4 fit. We want to show game values. We want to show good stoppers. And, in a perfect world, we’d like to show clubs since moderate hands could make a club slam playable
Unfortunately we probably can’t show all of these features below 3N.
So we have to compromise. Bidding 3C will far too often find partner bidding a relatively meaningless 3H…say he has AJx AKJxx xxx xx or such…what else could he do over 3C?
And, depending on style, can he bid 3as on some minimums? Or does 3S show extras? I didn’t want to get into that issue, but it’s important. If he’ll always rebid 3S with 4 spades and 5 hearts, then 3C becomes more playable since a bid of 3H would usually deny 4 spades (though 4=6 majors is a worry) and we can bid 3N over 3H
If partner requires extras for 3S, or we don’t know what partner thinks it requires, bidding 3C rates, much of the time, in our having to suppress either spades or stoppers after he bids 3H.
Also, even when he raises clubs (what else would you have him do with say Qx AQJ10x xxx Kxx) we’d rather be in 3N than 5C and we can’t get there over 4C.
So, because we should be planning the auction, the two hands, being very different, can be treated differently without giving rise to any real inconsistency.
If you were being sincere, then I hope this answers your question.if you were trying to take a shot, then maybe this explanation will help others.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari