Posted 2021-December-27, 10:19
It made for a depressing read.
It’s hardly the first area of medicine in which the wide spread use of a drug or class of drugs was later recognized as I’ll-advised. See the oxycodone problem, or the over prescription of anti-biopics.
I don’t claim to understand all of the reasons this sort of thing happens, especially since different jurisdictions have different rules and practices.
In NA at least, and more in the US I think than in Canada, drug companies are hugely driven by profit. Thus they target doctors. Some doctors also succumb to the profit motive while others are overworked and desperate to find something that, they are told, will help patients.
In antibiotics, I think one problem was a lack of understanding of how use of them created evolutionary pressures on bacteria, leading to the evolution of resistant bugs
Bear in mind that fir all the obvious problems of various widely prescribed drugs, on balance pharmaceuticals do a lot of good. We wouldn’t consider eliminating pharmaceuticals merely because of mistakes with some and abuse of others. Cancer drugs. Antibiotics for many serious bacterial infections. Anti-virals. Analgesics for severe pain. Yes, even anti-depressants as part of a multi-modal treatment. And so on.
If the point of the review was to support skepticism about Covid vaccines, then this is a classic example of two of the characteristics of a vax denier: it argues by implication that science got it wrong on anti-depressants. Medical science is required (in the minds of science deniers) to be absolutely correct. So if part of it can be shown to be wrong, all of it is wrong. Also, this is an example of cherry-picking facts.
It does appear, based on the article but also other information I’ve read elsewhere, that anti-depressants are over prescribed. But while the study does important work with respect to that issue, and in terms of helping identify problems getting patients off the drugs, it doesn’t spend much time, if any, on the undoubted benefits that the drugs do bestow on some of the patients.
That’s not a flaw in the report. They’re not claiming to assess net benefits or costs…presumably their target audience already knows the benefits, which have been widely reported in other studies. They’re quite properly discussing problems that perhaps are not as widely known. But it is a flaw if the report is being referred to as part of an effort to create distrust over entirely unrelated types of drug.
Would I be surprised if vaccines had some late-discovered problems? Of course not. Would I be surprised if vaccines were later found to be worse than Covid? Yes…I’d be astounded, especially given my layperson’s understanding of how vaccines work…note: they do not work in anything remotely resembling the way that brain chemistry-altering antidepressants work, so there is no meaningful parallel.
We’ve had hundreds of millions…probably billions…of vaccines administered. Almost surely tens of millions of Covid avoided or renders far less serious than were the patients unvaccinated. At least hundreds of thousands and probably millions of lives saved. And a minuscule, by comparison, number of serious adverse effects.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari