DavidKok, on 2022-August-27, 19:02, said:
This reminds me of that joke in Roy Hughes' book, where he deals ♠4, ♥7, ♦T742, ♣AKQ7432 and decides it's not a preempt and not an opening, watches partner open 1♠ in third seat and now has to choose between 2♣ Drury, 3♣ Bergen, 4♣ Gerber or 5♣ to play (or would this be Exclusion?).
The most straightforward approach with your hand is to not play Drury. Quite a few 2/1 players have also adopted intermediate jump shifts, but the heart concentration make this hand not suitable for a 3♣ response to 1♠. That's a seam in the system - not strong enough to open, too strong to comfortably bid 1NT, not concentrated enough for an intermediate jump shift. Every system has awkward hands like that. The standard answer is to just bid 2♣ over 1♠, and discuss what to do with hands like this before you include Drury in your toolkit. Note that 2/1 is off opposite a passed hand, so 1NT is not forcing and 2♣ is ~10-11.
Put differently, just make whatever bid you would make in a standard system. The continuations are the same, since 2/1 is off.
There is, imo, no need for a natural 2N invite over a third or fourth seat 1M….even though 1M in court seat is usually sounder than it might be in third. If you can make game with your 11 count (assuming you pass most 11 counts) either partner could/should have opened 1N or he will take a call over your 1N. Admittedly this is based on the concept that 1N by a passed hand is ‘semi-forcing’. Personally, I play 14-16 1N so don’t need to worry…at most we have a limited fit 13 opposite a horrible 11.
All of this means that you can play 2N as a minor hand. One treatment I like is that 2N shows a near opening bid with 6+ clubs….if you play a weak 2D opening bid you rarely need to include diamonds in the 2N bid. However, I usually play that both 2C and 2D are artificial raises of 1M, so I can have 2N show an invite in one minor, unspecified. Opener bids 3C if he’d pass a natural 3C, 3D if he’d move over clubs but pass 3D, and any other call is natural. It’s not perfect but all bidding methods are compromises of one kind or another and this one works ok.
This has the, imo, huge advantage of preserving drury and of allowing for fit jumps…
An addendum is to play 1M 3C (by a passed hand) as a near opener with at least 5-5 minors…opener passes, corrects to diamonds or makes another natural call. You show the fit jump in clubs by jumping to 3M….there’s no sense playing that as weak or mixed given that both opps have passed at least once. However, the 3C bid, showing both minors, is dangerous since you may have no 8 card fit and the defence is usually easy. 2N, otoh, at least usually gets you to no worse than a 6-1 fit, and that’s on a fairly bad day.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari