I hoped to hear more people here... maybe this will break the ice.
mikeh, on 2023-July-14, 19:08, said:
If west has the spade queen, which I rate as better than fifty %….I expect him to hold Qxx for his 4H bid, expecting to find shortness in dummy….I have an easy 10 tricks on a crossruff. So that’s what I’ll do.
Hmmm. That's close to what I thought too. I rated West more than 50% to hold the
♠Q and also
♣A. I still wasn't thrilled at the prospects of crossruff, it looks like I'm missing a heart to make it on the ruffs alone and it gets tricky if I give up control in clubs. I thought about running two rounds of cross ruffs and then laying down
♠A and K before tackling the clubs... but that looked uncertain too. In the end I decided to cross ruff until I saw the hearts split and then replan.
It was the defence who replanned for me, as East ruffed my last heart with the Q and returned another trump
I was a bit shocked, but West followed suit and somehow I survived. I had no choice but to take with K and run
♣J. As I recall, that ran QKA to West who returned a club which I took in hand, then I led a club ruffed by East, who had to lead diamonds into two cross ruffs.
I was smug about this 85% at the time, but looking harder I was just lucky. If East had pitched a club rather than ruffed then I was never going to make a tenth trick. Even if West held
♠Qxx as in mikeh's plan, I think we have a similar problem if West pitches clubs on our fourth diamond. On the actual layout I think my AK line would have worked, but not if Qxx was in West. Not sure if there is any line that can always make, thoughts are welcome.