What actually did the robot think?
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Robot rescued us from bad contract it ran 3NTx to 6NT
Posted Yesterday, 14:43
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-January-29, 14:36, said:
What actually did the robot think?
If East had paid attention they would have noticed their first double promised 5+ diamonds, and their second double promised 16+ HCP, so the robot would ask what actually was East thinking?
It just can't handle everyone else at the table psyching from its understanding of bids.
Posted Yesterday, 21:15
Never my what what on the bots mind, what was North thinking when he let the bot play in 6NT undoubled?
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
Posted Today, 05:19
smerriman, on 2025-January-29, 14:43, said:
It just can't handle everyone else at the table psyching from its understanding of bids.
If robot believes East, than making 12 tricks in 6NT isn't nearly as good as beating 3NT by 7 or 8 tricks. Or if robot believes North, then if North can make 3NT, then how is 6NT going to work out. Does GIB make those types of score analysis?
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