Chris3875, on 2012-May-06, 18:47, said:
"East/West are entitled to an accurate description of the North/South agreement (when this infraction results in damage to East/West, the Director shall award an adjusted score). I did discuss it with 3 other senior players and they agreed on the damage.
Of course these senior players, not being trained directors, may not be aware that "infraction results in damage" does not mean quite the same as "they got a bad result". It means "They got a bad result, and only because of the infraction - had they received correct information they wouldn't have gotten a bad result." Here I feel that E/W are never getting a good result after West passed 2
♥ (and BTW, I wouldn't double, I would choose between 2
♠ and 2NT).
So it's all fine and well to say West was expecting they would revert to hearts and would then double at her third turn, but you also need to say what West was going to do over 3
♦ given the correct explanation, and I feel she is absolutely stuck due to her failure to act on the first round.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell