What does the pauses, demonstrably, suggest. Prequal to ruling.
Posted 2016-December-03, 06:59
Any input or advise is appriciated.
Pass - (Pass) - 1♠ - (Pass)
4♥1 - (Pass) - 4♠ - (X)
1 = Long pause
2 = Short pause, but noticeable
What does the pauses, if anything, suggest? And how demonstrably do they suggest it?
Best Regards
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2016-December-03, 09:09
Posted 2016-December-03, 09:39
I suspect that the 'virtual system file' is marked down as 'natural' or 'no agreement' or possibly 'splinter' or even 'fit jump' - in which case the pause doesn't really convey much and certainly doesn't demonstrably suggest that 4♠ is going to be preferred over another call. All that is known is that the bidder did not think that 4♥ was an obvious bid.
if there is no agreement then presumably partner can bid what they want as they will have to guess its actual meaning.
Was the 4♥ call alerted/ not alerted? If so that may provide UI.
The pause after the double (presumably for penalties) could be construed either as contemplating a redouble (i.e. partner has a maximum) or contemplating running to 5♥. In neither case is any action demonstrably suggested.
Note that the side that has passed initially - and then doubled - may be allowed restoration of equity if it turns out that 4♥ wasn't natural. (splinter or no agreement) and not alerted. Would need to know if any questions were asked at the end of the auction about the call.
This assumes all non-natural calls of suits in the first round of the auction have to be alerted. i.e. opening bid and the next three calls. Different RAs may have different rules.
Get the facts. No matter what people say, get the facts from both sides BEFORE you make a ruling or leave the table.
Remember - just because a TD is called for one possible infraction, it does not mean that there are no others.
In a judgement case - always refer to other TDs and discuss the situation until they agree your decision is correct.
The hardest rulings are inevitably as a result of failure of being called at the correct time. ALWAYS penalize both sides if this happens.
Posted 2016-December-03, 10:41
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2016-December-03, 11:10
The "short but noticeable pause" over the double of 4♠ could easily be interpreted as surprise at a sneak attack by south or.......?
If this auction doesn't go float from here there will be a forensic audit of their agreements and cards before I would be prepared to rule but it's a longshot that I don't rule 4♠ doubled as the final contract.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2016-December-03, 12:06
blackshoe, on 2016-December-03, 10:41, said:
I have never accepted "no agreement" as a "hideout" to avoid accusations of misinformation.
But anyway, I believe that every regulation on alerting includes something about calls for which opponents cannot reasonably be expected to have a full understanding and that such calls shall be alerted?
Surely "No agreements" will always qualify for a required alert under such regulations?
(Haven't I somewhere seen: "If you are unsure about partner's call then alert it and explain that you are unsure"?)
Posted 2016-December-03, 13:13
Posted 2016-December-03, 13:21
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2016-December-03, 13:42
sanst, on 2016-December-03, 13:13, said:
Thx for the reply. Polling peers is ufortunately not an option.
The pair has no agreements, but the play in a circle, where 4♥ = Shortness would be the default expectation. But then again, the 4♥-bidder might not be completely up to date on this.
Best Regards
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2016-December-03, 14:35
blackshoe, on 2016-December-03, 10:41, said:
Since the EBU white book states (
The law instructs the TD to presume misexplanation rather than misbid and this presumption will be stronger if the partner’s actions suggest they do not believe their own explanation. There are various possibilities for what the TD will determine is the likely partnership understanding, for example:
(a) The meaning intended by the player who misbid is the partnership understanding.
(b) The partnership understanding is that the call is effectively two-way: either the intended meaning or the explained meaning; perhaps because the agreement changed recently and/or one of the players often forgets the agreement.
© There is no partnership understanding, and that is what the opponents are entitled to know.
And 1.3.1
A player who is not sure whether or not a call made is alertable should alert it. If there is no partnership understanding about the meaning of the call, the player should say so rather than say how is going to treat it.
Then I would suggest that it applies in England - whether it applies elsewhere I do not know.
Get the facts. No matter what people say, get the facts from both sides BEFORE you make a ruling or leave the table.
Remember - just because a TD is called for one possible infraction, it does not mean that there are no others.
In a judgement case - always refer to other TDs and discuss the situation until they agree your decision is correct.
The hardest rulings are inevitably as a result of failure of being called at the correct time. ALWAYS penalize both sides if this happens.
Posted 2016-December-03, 18:06
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2016-December-04, 00:17
1)Splinter or limit raise(long pause-thinking)
2)Rdble(short pause-temptation)
Posted 2016-December-04, 02:19
blackshoe, on 2016-December-03, 18:06, said:
So what?
The purpose of alerts is to alert opponents of possible/probable surprises, and a "No agreement" situation should certainly be a surprise? And I consider the failure to alert when the explanation is "no agreement", "I am unsure" or words to similar effect to automatically be misinformation.
If a side effect of increased number of required alerts turns out to be less abuse of "no agreement" then so much the better.
Posted 2016-December-04, 04:09
Posted 2016-December-04, 07:10
pran, on 2016-December-04, 05:52, said:
If your explanation will be "No agreement" (or "I don't know") then you should alert the call.
Maybe. This interpretation seems bizarre at best, though.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2016-December-04, 09:01
pran, on 2016-December-04, 05:52, said:
If your explanation will be "No agreement" (or "I don't know") then you should alert the call.
If you have no agreement, you have no alertable agreement. "I don't know" is different.
1) You have an agreement, but don't remember what it is; alert.
2) You have an agreement, but don't know if it is alertable; when in doubt alert.
3) If we had an agreement, it might be alertable: duh, you don't have an agreement.
Apparently, your interpretation of the EBU regs is that they require alerts of things which don't exist. You might be right.
Posted 2016-December-04, 10:46
pran, on 2016-December-04, 05:52, said:
If your explanation will be "No agreement" (or "I don't know") then you should alert the call.
blackshoe, on 2016-December-04, 07:10, said:
aguahombre, on 2016-December-04, 09:01, said:
1) You have an agreement, but don't remember what it is; alert.
2) You have an agreement, but don't know if it is alertable; when in doubt alert.
3) If we had an agreement, it might be alertable: duh, you don't have an agreement.
Apparently, your interpretation of the EBU regs is that they require alerts of things which don't exist. You might be right.
See it this way:
No regulation (to my knowledge) states that a call with an undefined interpretation is exempted from alerting.
On the contrary regulations essentially say that you need not alert calls when you know the call sufficiently well to positively explain it as a call that does not require alert.
Other calls must be alerted (unless explicitly exempted, for instance because of bid level).
Posted 2016-December-04, 11:02
Option (i): You have an agreement that 4H is natural. You do not alert.
Option (ii): You have an agreement that 4H is artificial. You alert.
Option (iii): You do not have an agreement about this auction, but you are unaware of any possible meaning other than natural. You do not alert, because in your world your agreement is (by definition) natural.
Option (iv): You do not have an agreement about this auction, but you are aware that partner might mean it as shortage, or might mean it as natural. You alert, when asked you say you do not have an agreement but you are aware that it is possible that partner intends it as shortage.
Advantages of option (iv):
- if the opponents do not ask, partner has no UI from the alert, because he also knows you have no agreement but that it might be artificial.
- if you do not alert, opponents know that you believe you have an agreement that it is natural
If you simply don't alert when you have no agreement, then the hand sitting over the 4H bidder is left in a difficult position if he has hearts: if he want to double if it's a splinter but not if it's natural, he is forced to ask just in case it might be a splinter. When you alert, he can ask, and then get the same full disclosure of your agreements: that it is undiscussed but may or may not be artificial.
Also, suppose you don't alert and then treat it is as shortage: you must have some reason for assuming it isn't natural - what is that? You are bidding as if you have an implicit partnership understanding about the meaning of the call. Aren't the opponents entitled to the same information?